
"Who you are, depends on what do you think about GOD and yourself."

Copy-Paste boleh, asal cerdas! Jangan lupa cantumkan sumbernya ya...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

...Shooting Star...

When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
I'm in my usual park
I can see the night scenery
On the slide
That's been my special seat for years
Whenever I'm worried about something, I come here
Just like then, I'm on my way to my dreams
But unable to fulfill them
"Maybe this is the end of the line"
There are days when I say weak things like that
But every time, I remember
That starry sky where I looked for a shooting star
The wish I made when I was little
Hasn't changed even now
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Hiding out in the schoolyard at night with my mates
We climbed the chain-link fence
The field seemed to have a different face than during the day
We headed for our sea called the pool
We didn't have swimming trunks, so we were all stark naked
Someone jumped in with a strange yell
The splash echoed through the night
"After him!" Everyone else piled in
We floated gently, looking up at the sky
Looked at the stars in front of us, and talked about heaps of dreams
And looked for that shooting star
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star
Looking up at the sky, there are countless stars
The same number now that there was years ago
My dreams are endless and crazy
Incredibly bright, like that star
Hey! If you keep hanging your head like that
You won't even be able to see the things you can see
Look up at the sky, keep your head up!!
Hey! "What do you think of the sky you see?"
Someday, like that shining star
I wanna shine
When I look up at the sky
The stars, see, are sparkling
Each giving off its own light
Like the people on this planet
Yeah, so I, too
Want to shine particularly bright
I close my eyes and make a vow in my heart
And entrust my dreams to that shooting star

...Lost Words...

The things I hold in my hands are droplets of time
Softly I grasp them, forgotten memories, lost words
I remember them one by one
And though I felt like I understood all them
The words faded as soon as they got near me
An evening without an apparent answer
Flakes of warmth
Longing for something faraway
I live repeating these over and over
The things I hold in my hands are droplets of time
Softly I grasp them, forgotten memories, lost words
I want to grasp all of your thoughts before they cool
As "people", we still can't share that feeling
The meaning your words give
The feelings with no comparison
Emotions with no answer
If only we could communicate by meeting eye to eye
The things I hold in my hands are droplets of time
Softly I grasp them, forgotten memories, lost words
I'll keep these feelings in my heart
"I've lost them..."


Cultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.

My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door.
A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care.
Waiting is wasting for people like me.

Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.

You say, "Dreams are dreams.
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."

Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing.

You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.

Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Seorang yang tak pernah hilang di dalam angan
Tak pernah pergi dari pikiran
Tak pernah bosan tuk pergi dari angan
Tak akan enyah dari pandangan

Sesosok paras indah
Yang selalu mengganggu
2 wanita yang selalu ada untukkku...
Tak pernah hilang dari benakku...

Entah siapa yang kan kembali mengisi
Hati yang tlah kosong
ditelan hari
karna tak ada seorangpun yang dapat mengganti...

2 wanita yang menghiburku...
Dan sekarang ku hanya mampu mengagumimu...
karena ada berbagai ragu...
untuk mendekatimu...

Mungkin esok atau kapanpun,
jika Tuhan memberi kesempatan...
Kau akan menjadi hawa untukku...
dan mengisi kekosonganku...

By: Ozh
>> 12 September 2009

Someone who send me a message (sms)

Sebuah rasa yang dulu pernah tumbuh...
Di dalam dua hati...
Yang menjadi sebuah cerita tak terlupakan...

Cerita indah yang tlah berlalu,
seakan terpendam karena...
Jarak dan orang lain...
yang telah membuat mereka menjauh....

Kini engkau mengirim sebuah pesan...
Yang kutahu itu adalah, pesan darimu!
Hatiku pun bertanya,

Setelah itu aku pun berpikir,
ternyata keterpaksaanlah yang membuatmu begitu...
Tapi terlambat,
Kini bagiku,kamu hanyalah masa lalu...
Yang aku pun tak tahu...
Apakah esok hari kita kan bersatu...

walaupun begitu....
Cinta memang tak selalu harus memiliki...
Mungkin hari ini, esok atau kapanpun..
Kau pasti akan teringat akan:

"Secretly,I can't leave you...
But,If it's our ways...
We can become a friendship..."


> 9 September 2009

Life is a Story

Sebuah Kisah
Terukir indah dalam untaian" kata indah
terlukis di dalam memori masa lalu...
Yang entah sampai kapan akan memanduQ!

Belum sempat Q lanjutkan tuk menulis tentang dirimu...
Tapi kau telah menghilang dari benakQ...
Mengapa begitu...
Padahal Awalnya kau segalanya bagiQ!

Memang terkadang rasa itu datang dan pergi,
sudah berulang kali Q mencoba untuk menikmati
Rasa yang pernah Q alami...
Tapi mengapa selalu sayatan dalam yang kudapati

Semakin dalam hingga Q pun tak tahu
Rasa sakit itu
Tlah membuatQ mati Rasa.........
Tapi satu hal yang slalu kusadari,

Bahwa Segalanya memiliki akhir...
Cerita diawali, untuk diakhiri...
Sampai saat ini pun Q tak tahu,
Akhir yang seperti apa...
Yang akan diberikan-Nya padaku...

>> 7 September 2009

Wanna support???